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, by Ben Greenfield

Download , by Ben Greenfield
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Product details
File Size: 2726 KB
Print Length: 484 pages
Publisher: Victory Belt Publishing (April 13, 2014)
Publication Date: April 13, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#42,236 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I really enjoyed the first half of the book which covered fitness and recovery tips, the importance of sleep...etc. Then in the second half the author begins to talk about electromagnetic bracelets and thousand dollar “earthing blankets†along with a exhaustive list of suppliments he recommends. Any one with a family and middle-uppermiddle class income would not be able to afford the supps he recommends (like $80 amino acids), so he lost me on the entire second half of the book. Good read for rounding out your knowledge on Triathlon training. My fav take away is how we need to train to LAST, not just perform,becuase those training methods and diets can differ, so we need to limit the damage done to our bodies by them.
There is so much freaking information in this book! I've read many endurance training/performance books and this is what I've been missing. I'm currently reading this book a second time and am realizing I missed a few things the first time through it. There is just so much information, that it's difficult to retain with just one read. If you are looking for the book that provides structured training for your specific sport, this isn't that book. This is the book that goes with that book.The core of this book is about maximizing performance without destroying your body. It has helped me find the balance between performance, health and longevity, to the point that I consider it life changing. If you are a hard charging endurance athlete, you may read some things that you don't want to hear, but don't fear Ben provides an endless supply of methods and biohacks for minimizing the damage while maximizing performance.If you are looking for every possible thing that you can do to maximize performance, recovery, and health, this is a book for you. There is just so many biohacks and methods in this book that it will be difficult to implement them all. The book gives you the tools so you can pick and choose what works best for you.When it comes to new Science, newly released studies, or new hacks, Ben leaves no stone unturned and doesn't hesitate getting out on the fringe. This book has been out a couple of years and new information is continuously coming out validating many of the training and recovery methods laid out in the book. I hope and expect to see many revisions to this book since knowledge on this subject is continuously evolving.This is a book that will always stay within close reach to be used as a reference. I so wish that I had this book 10 years ago!!!Thank you Ben for all the research and work that went into this book!
The first 5 (of 24) chapters of this book are an interesting review of the evidence around exercise science and high intensity training. Chapter 3 especially has exercise routine recommendations that I think are worth trying. Greenfield references a number of the studies in these fields to support his arguments.After chapter 5, the evidence is sorely lacking for a number of recommendations he has for things like vibration platforms, electrical muscle stimulation, & a number of dietary recommendations (like avoiding vegetable oils, & high-potassium fruits) that just have no real scientific justification. Perhaps the most telling in these chapters is his repeated discussions of "adrenal fatigue" which is not a real thing. Remember this is a guy who thinks vaccines cause autism.The book's probably worth picking up for the first few chapters, and I definitely learned something there. But the final 75% of the book is a waste of time. Much of the recommendations in these chapters are for products for which he has a direct financial interest (reminds me of Dave Asprey in this regard) and the science just isn't there.
I enjoyed the 1st section about how overtraining is literally killing professional and semiprofessional endurance athletes: type A personalities who try to balance 20+ hour weekly workouts with family and career and destroy everything in the process...yes, been there, done that...have many friends who are still doing it...I also enjoyed the info about creating more efficient, smarter workouts-this section was actually a breath of fresh air.Unfortunately, much of the rest of the book is simply bewildering and overwhelming. There' no question about Greenfield's passion about this subject. But even if you read through it (as I did) with the attitude that "I believe you Ben...everything you have to say...just tell me what I have to do"..ignoring the pages and pages of medical and scientific data, much of the advice is about the use of supplements and pharmaceuticals, expensive medical procedures, and the purchase of expensive/questionable exercise and health devices; as well as lots of "crazy uncle" advice: ground yourself to the earth's frequency when you sleep, wear magnetic bracelets, replace your shaving cream with $20/7 oz. tube of brown sticky paste to avoid getting poisoned, etc...That being said, I waded through the book and found a few, valuable nuggets of info that more than justify the purchase price.Use what works and discard the rest.
I'm not huge in the exercise department, but I'm really interested in healthy living and find that Ben Greenfield's advice is well in line with other trusted and reliable materials I've read (and that includes the information he presents on proper exercise techniques/training protocols). There's so much misinformation out there, and it's encouraging that someone is clearing up the myths (and in one convenient book too). I would HIGHLY recommend this book to any athlete, especially those putting in hours upon hours at the gym... Doesn't hurt that the book is well written and presents all the information very clearly...
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