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Product details
File Size: 4306 KB
Print Length: 524 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (April 21, 2008)
Publication Date: April 21, 2008
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#877,286 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I stopped reading Scientific American magazine 20-something years ago when the editors dumbed it down. Occasionally I sample an issue to see if they have changed their minds, but it remains nearly worthless.I suppose it retains some social prestige from its early history, however, or why would anyone publish a hefty volume called “Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries.â€Perhaps 90% of the book is unexceptionable; dull, but not remarkable except for a few howlers, like having Columbus discover North America or neglecting to mention Grote Reber in the entry on radiotelescopes.But for a book that claims to list “all the milestones in ingenuity -- from the discovery of fire to the invention of the microwave oven,†it is a complete bust.I would propose that the seven modern discoveries that have done the most to alter the way we live or think of ourselves in the world are: recognition of the great age of the Earth, modification of species through natural selection, germ theory of disease, induction of artificial immunity with vaccines, recognition of the size of the Universe, discovery of antibiotics and confirmation of the Big Bang theory by measuring the cosmic background radiation.You might add to the list but I doubt anybody except Rodney Carlisle would leave any of these off. He left off six of the seven, getting in only an inadequate pair of entries on penicillin and streptomycin.He did include the safety razor, the escalator (but not the elevator!) and the zipper.
If you like the style of a Scientific American issue, then you should check out this book. Their editors have amassed a chronicle of key inventions and discoveries, spanning the history of human civilisation. Some 400 inventions are explained. Albeit briefly, because of space considerations.The book tries to put these into a context of ever onward and upward. Though in the historical periods (especially antiquity), these inventions must have been repeatedly invented and forgotten.As an item of terminology - the "inventions" also include things which are arguably discoveries. Like the positron. It certainly existed in nature before physicists were aware of it. Though algebra might indeed be an invention, to some who would regard it as a pure construct of the mind. But others, especially some physicists, would pay that no heed; saying that such things exist independent of human consciousness.