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Practice And All Is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics, And Healing In Yoga And Beyond
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Amongst the responses to the revelations of sexual abuse that have marred a number of yoga communities, Practice and All Is Coming is unparalleled. Of immense value to both practitioners and academics, the text centers the voices of the female victims of serial abuser Pattabhi Jois and illuminates the wider psychoanalytic and structural conditions that enabled such abuse. Practitioners will be gifted a demystification of transnational yoga and a way to both understand and prevent the toxic dynamics that have produced abuse. Academics will find a strong case for the utility—and even ethical necessity—for bringing cultic studies back into the field of New Religious Movements. With this ambitious and well-executed text, Remski has established himself as one of the most perspicacious and important scholar-practitioners of contemporary transnational yoga. Ann Gleig, Associate Professor of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Central Florida. This is a horrifying and necessary tale that ... yoga practitioners and teachers need to know and reckon with. Jois and Ashtanga had a significant influence on what yoga is today in the U.S. and worldwide—from the ethics practices of teachers, to the way we pedestal (and isolate) teachers, to assists, to studio culture. This centers Ashtanga yoga, but as Remski suggests, it is relevant to every yoga lineage, and of course we know that it’s culture-wide. Remski recognizes the qualities of isolation, lack of agency, victim-blaming, and silencing present in these survivors’ accounts as implicit in rape culture. The responsibility therefore extends beyond the “perpetrators”, and falls on all of our shoulders as bystanders and participants in “yoga community”. We need to face and discuss this history and that of any harm in order to move into the true promise of living out yogic teachings— armlessness, integrity, generosity, non-attachment, and the wise use of sexual energies. Jacoby Ballard, Yoga Teacher and Social Justice Educator Starting with the first principle of yoga which is non-harming (ahimsa), and applying the clear seeing of meditation (dhyana), Remski offers us a framework for understanding how confusion and messiness around lineage and power has led to so much pain and suffering inside the world of yoga. This is also a guidebook in the yogic principle of self-study (svadyaya) helping us all look honestly at ourselves and our community. I am so grateful that finally, Remski offers us a way forward—with both practical means and inspiration - to remind us that yoga is a living practice and in the end, always about relationship. Cyndi Lee, author of Yoga Body, Buddha Mind Thank you Matthew Remski and the courageous women who have stepped forward to offer this pivotal work. Practice and All is Coming is a service to humanity, to the yoga world at-large, to long-time practitioners and future generations so that we can evolve into cultivating a safe space that all beings deserve. This incredibly thorough, sensitive and somatically sophisticated work is ESSENTIAL to the evolution of yoga for the maturity to unpack the shadow of abuse, body-image distortion and power-dynamics effecting many without conscious awareness of these undercurrents, while also recommending best practices and a PRISM method to move forward so that we may work towards ending abuse of all forms and transforming dominance-structures so that all beings are respected, safe and empowered in their journey of embodiment. Shiva Rea, author of Tending the Heart Fire
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Product details
Paperback: 366 pages
Publisher: Embodied Wisdom Publishing (March 14, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0473472074
ISBN-13: 978-0473472078
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
17 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#39,569 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I have been reading on Matthew Remski for years. Before this incredible contribution about the potential darkness that can come with authoritarian groups, I enjoyed his writing and applied it often to my teaching. He is incredibly knowledgeable and informed--he does his due diligence in terms of research and discovery and it shows.Is this book easy to read? No. But that doesn't also mean it isn't important to read. As someone who has been teaching Yoga for nearly 15 years and a student of yoga for 20....I have witnessed and been a victim of abuse from teachers who have a perverted sense of power and privilege because they are empowered from the community that surrounds them. This book takes on, and will hopefully aid in taking down, one of the largest schools of Yoga that has been a source of some of the most heinous abuse--sexual, emotional and physical.I am so grateful for Matthew's courage--I cannot imagine this stand will be popular with loyalists or those who don't want to "rock the boat". I say--to hell with that. Put it all in the light so people have the information they need--then let them decide. This book is a must read for any serious student or teacher of Yoga.
This book turns a powerful light on long-suppressed abuses in the ashtanga yoga community. As a long-time practitioner, I hope the book turns the ashtanga world on its head and leads to much needed reforms.
This book showed up unannounced from Amazon. I knew I hadn't ordered it so it took me awhile to figure out where/why it came to me. I had contributed to a Kick Starter campaign to fund a book that was to be title What we are doing in Asana. Turns out, this is the final product of this project.While an intensely important subject in yoga, this would not have been a book I would have bought to read. As I had it, I read it. It is a very deep dive on the subject of abuse and cults. Matthew did a greta job in researching, educating the reader about cults and abuse and being gentle with his sources. The dynamics he speaks to occurs outside of the yoga community, so this book is relevant today. I think if you are a yoga teacher who attends to students that have faced abuse, this book can help guide your understanding of the human experience and results of abuse. From that perspective as well as a way of helping the victims of this abuse, this book has great value.Would I recommend it widely? Likely not. I would recommend it to those who find past or current abuse in their midst or those who want scholarly information on cuts.
Its rather disheartening to observe the reviews for this book which I have not and will not read.All the comments left thus far have been made by very close friends/associates of Remski and therefore 100% disingenuous and not from a place of unbiased criticism. Pandering pretence from Altman, Miller, Boccio, Brown, Jivana, etc. who are all playing on thesame team and are great chums, sycophantic to one another, they collectively exploit yoga for personal profit and gain and their agenda, esp. those who are aligned with and shilling for the corrupted Yoga Alliance, is to de-legitimize traditional yoga and line their own pockets with gold from that cash cow.Its cronyism at its most pathetic and obvious; they are playing out their covert agenda which is to control the narrative and delegitimize traditional yoga. There is nothing sacred whatsoever about this "alliance"; the public and the yoga consuming masses would be well served to steer away from such manipulative and co-ercive attempts. Remski is exactly that which he attempts to decry and expose - i.e. a scary megalomaniac playing at cult master. Further, he has never been part of nor involved with the Ashtanga community in any way and is out of his lane to be stepping in and grandstanding as "great white saviour" exploiting the pain and suffering of women whose "voices and stories are hinged to him in a way that is both absurd and stereotypically patriarchal". This work is symptomatic of an insidious cancer, a poison that is profaning the sacredness of the essential essence of yoga that is perpetuated by Remski and his cadre and sham wow those who don't know what they don't know. No yoga in their faux-ga.Maya fuels samsara.Boycott the Yoga Alliance. Boycott the Cult of Remski. Occupy Yoga.
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